Is there a route for post-treating gasoline with minimal octane loss?
For the post-treatment of FCC gasoline, fixed-bed HDT is by far the most trusted solution because of its low capex, its ease of operation, and its flexibility.
Hydrogen consumption is higher than we would like in our raw diesel hydrotreater. Can we lower it without loss of throughput?
Hydrogen consumption in a hydrotreater comes from hydrotreatment reactions but also from losses within the process.
What type of catalyst do we need for low pressure hydrotreating of middle distillates?
When it comes to selecting the right catalyst for the hydrotreatment of a middle distillates fraction at low pressure, a distinction has to be made between light (kerosene) and heavy (diesel) cuts.
Our tail gas unit is performing below spec. We are experiencing high levels of heat stable salts in the solvent. How do we deal with this?
The presence of heat stable salts does affect the performance of the amine solvent,1 consequently H2 S slip from the absorber may increase dramatically. To bring the H2 S slip back to acceptable levels, the amine solvent needs to be restored back to pristine conditions, either by a reclaiming process or by partial or full replacement.
What type of catalyst would you recommend for processing deasphalted oil in our hydrocracker?
The quality of DAO is primarily a function of the vacuum residue properties, SDA solvent, and SDA operation.