
Equipment Supply

equipment_supply Equipment Supply

Ras Tanura Refinery Runs Successfully the New Diesel Hydrotreater Licensed by Axens

A grassroots diesel hydrotreater unit (Prime-D™), licensed by Axens, was successfully put into production at Saudi Aramco’s Ras Tanura Refinery.

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Considering that new catalyst formulations play a significant role in successful reactor performance, what else is necessary for optimal reactor/catalyst performance?

In units featuring fixed-bed reactors, along with optimum catalyst design, overall reactor/catalyst performance can be enhanced using high-efficiency reactor internals.

Written by Dinesh-Kumar Khosla · Global Market Manager Heavy Ends, HDC ·
India - UTC+5:30
2 days
Nicolas Menet
Plastic Recycling Business Development Manager
Anais Dorsey
Aromatics Technologist

Virtual INDIAN Petrochem 

INDIAN Petrochem will be held online, on 17th & 18th November 2021. The Indian Petrochem conference has emerged as the annual focal point for a gathering of the global and Indian petrochemical fraternity, and an important event in the petrochemical industry calendar. The Indian Petrochem conference offers focused coverage of the Indian and global petrochemical markets.
Madrid, Spain - CEST
4 days
Jean Sentenac
Chairman of the Board
Stephane Fedou
Plastics Circular Economy Director
Antoine Lavernot
Business Line Team Manager, Heavy Ends Hydrotreament & Conversion

ERTC 2021

ERTC is Europe’s largest and most senior meeting place for the world’s downstream leaders, bringing together refineries and technology providers to address the short, medium, and long-term issues affecting the industry. Hot topics for 2021 include the recovery from a volatile 2020 and shaping refining’s role in Europe’s long-term sustainable, decarbonized energy system.
Virtual - CEST
4 days
Benoit Mares
Proposal Manager - Sulphur Recovery Technologies Expert

Sulphur & Sulphuric Acid 2021 Virtual Conference

CRU Sulphur + Sulphuric Acid will run as a fully virtual event in 2021 – connecting you with an even wider audience of sulphur and acid industry professionals from around the globe. Knowledge sharing is at the core of the event: via the respected dual-streamed technical program, and the connections made with industry experts and solution providers attending.
Natural Gas
Sulfur Recovery
Sub-dewpointing Claus
Tail Gas Treatment
Equipment Supply
Modular Unit
Online - CEST
2 days
Regional Sales Manager
Lucas Vergara
Principal Technology Engineer

Virtual LUKOIL Technical Conference

The 3rd Technical Conference, held from 20th to 21st October 2021, is a large-scale event that will once again gather leaders of all oil refining and petrochemical enterprises that are part of LUKOIL Group and, of course, will open doors for potential project partners.
Antwerp - CEST
3 days
Adsorbents Business Line Manager

ERTC Ask the Experts

The pandemic has provoked new challenges and opportunities for the refining industry and ERTC: Ask the Experts, organized from 19th to 21st October 2021 in Antwerp, Belgium, will provide process engineers with the platform to pose their burning questions to Europe’s leading experts. Resolve your major unit and process conundrums with your peers, including subjects around Hydroprocessing, Co-processing, FCC units, and Turnarounds.
Virtual - GMT
3 days
Feifei Huang
Principal Technologist, Hydrotreatment & Hydrocracking

Virtual ARDA Week

Virtual ARA WEEK 2021, held from 11th to 13th October 2021, will provide the platform to discuss the development of Africa’s downstream transition plan. The conference will focus on implementing an actionable roadmap that effectively transitions Africa’s current primary energy mix towards a more sustainable, lower-carbon footprint over the next decade. Join us in solving the challenges for the future of the African downstream oil industry and listen to industry key players.

Axens Selected for Byco’s Refinery Upgrading Project Phases I, II & III to Support in Producing Euro V Gasoline and Diesel, Pakistan

Byco and Axens are pleased to announce that Axens has been selected to support Byco’s Refinery upgrading Project Phases I, II, III with providing advanced technical solutions in order to achieve Euro V gasoline and diesel specifications in Pakistan.

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