
Asia Pacific

AS-OC asia_oceania

GAIL Selects Axens AlphaButol® Technology

A new ethylene dimerization unit, using Axens’ AlphaButol® technology will be installed at the petrochemical complex of GAIL (India) Ltd at Pata.

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Launching of Axens South Asia Sdn Bhd

Axens is pleased to announce the creation of Axens South East Asia Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary 100% owned by Axens.

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PT Pertamina Selects Axens to conduct a study for the modernization of its Plaju refinery (South Sumatra)

The Indonesian National Oil Company PT Pertamina has selected Axens to conduct a Bankable Feasibility Study for the modernization and capacity expansion of Plaju refinery located in Palembang, South Sumatra.

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Testimony - The start-up went very smoothly in 2019

The start-up went very smoothly in 2019, even when the feed flowrate fluctuated between 65% to 105% of the design flowrate. Axens process design is quite robust to face possible start-up and operating troubles.

Testimony - The start-up went very smoothly in 2019

The start-up went very smoothly in 2019, even when the feed flowrate fluctuated between 65% to 105% of the design flowrate. Axens process design is quite robust to face possible start-up and operating troubles. After a week of operation the temperatures were adjusted as per design to 113°C and 120°C for First and Second Reactors respectively. The isomerate RON was above 88, up to 89.2 sometimes, according to our laboratory.

HCl Absorber efficiency was high. C2Cl4 injection was gradually decreased to minimum recommended ratio of Cl/feed but HCl concentration detected in Stabilizer off-gas was still above 5000 ppm. 

Currently we are still very satisfied with Axens ISOM technology and ATIS-2L catalyst. Thanks to the HCl recovery innovation we save 75% of chemicals, and earn 1% isomerate yield more.



Yongwang SHANG

ISOM unit director, Jiangsu Xinhai Petrochemicals co. Ltd, China

Testimony - Axens and Qirun staff worked jointly very satisfactorily to start-up

The unit has been started-up within 6 weeks. Reactors were oiled-in one by one (R-202 on January 2nd and R-203 on January 4th 2019).

Testimony - Axens and Qirun staff worked jointly very satisfactorily to start-up

The unit has been started-up within 6 weeks. Reactors were oiled-in one by one (R-202 on January 2nd and R-203 on January 4th 2019). Then HCl absorber was put in service on January 7th. With HCl absorber, C2Cl4 flow rate was decreased, while HCl content in Stabilizer off-gas remains higher than 3000 ppm.

We believe Chemicals consumption could be saved by more than 75%, but we are currently limited by the minimum turndown flowrate of the selected chloriding agent pump.

Axens and Qirun staff worked jointly very satisfactorily to start-up, operate and follow successfully the unit.



Rongguang SONG

ISOM unit director, Dongying Qirun Petrochemical Co. Ltd, China

Fuhaichuang Petrochemical Selects Axens Ebullated-Bed Residue Hydrocracking Technology (H-Oil®) to Boost the Profitability of its Assets

Fuhaichuang Petrochemical Co., Ltd, one of the main private Chinese refiner, has selected Axens’ Ebullated-bed residue hydrocracking technology (H-Oil®) for a capacity of 1.5 MTA as the key unit of its residue upgrading plan in its petrochemical complex located in the port of Gulei, Fujian Province, China.

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Islamabad, Pakistan - UTC+5
2 days
Stephane Wermester
Commercial Vice President - Asia Pacific

Pakistan Energy Reform Summit (PERS 2022)

The 2nd Pakistan Energy Reform Summit 2022 ( PERS 2022) back to Islamabad on May 17-18th of the Year 2022 (original April 20-21st), co-located with the Power & Renewable Energy Summit, Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Summit. This aims to help revitalize the energy and power sector in Pakistan by attracting multilateral cooperation of innovation and investment in the diverse energy mix.
Delhi, India - UTC+5:30
2 days
Nicolas Menet
Plastic Recycling Business Development Manager

Plastic Recycling Conference Asia (PRCA) 2.0

The Plastic Recycling Conference Asia (PRCA) 2.0 in two days conference in Delhi will cover more than ten sessions on the plastic recycling process. The program of PRCA 2.0 will focus on the best recycling practices, challenges, issues, policy-making, strategy adaptation & solutions in order to bring the best plastic waste management in Asia. PRCA 2.0 brings solutions-based discussions and applications so that the ongoing plastic waste issues can be managed through sustainable methods.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in India: Groupe ADP, GMR Airports, Airbus, Axens and Safran sign a MoU to collaborate on making Indian aviation future ready

Airport operators Groupe ADP and GMR Airports together with Airbus, Axens and Safran have signed today a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to conduct a joint study on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) and their potential in India.

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Virtual - CET
3 days
Yvon Bernard
Business Development Manager, Renewable Product Line
Jorge Martinez-Gacio
Bio Technology Team Manager

EU-INDIA-BCE Conference in Advanced Bio Fuels

The EU-INDIA-Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EU-INDIA-BCE), scheduled for 2-3-4 March 2022, will follow the proven structure of the EU-India Conference on Advanced Biofuels combining it with the experience and proficiency of the EUBCE under the management and organizational skills of ETA Florence Renewable Energies.