
Oil Refining

Kingdom of Bahrain - UTC+3
3 days

GDA 2023

The GDA International Downstream Conference and Exhibition is the leading Middle East strategic platform for international downstream professionals to address global business challenges, share best practices & unlock potential opportunities through collaboration and partnerships. The event will take place from 13-15 February 2023 at Exhibition World Bahrain in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Cairo, Egypt - UTC+2
3 days
Jean Sentenac
Chairman of the Board
Nicolas Menet
Plastic Recycling Business Development Manager

EGYPS 2023

EGYPS drives the conversations that address sustainable climate-conscious production of oil and gas and the growing commitment to energy transition and a net-zero future. Join 500+ exhibitors, including 26 National and International Oil, Energy, and Service Companies and 12 international pavilions
Manama, Bahrain - UTC+3
2 days
Sophie Babusiaux
Chemicals Integration Leader - Middle Distillates & Conversion Business Line
Joseph Ibrahim
Managing Director, Middle East


The 9th edition of BBTC MENA 2023 - Bottom of the Barrel & Catalyst Technology Conference, is back to help Middle East refiners address the challenges and identify the opportunities, as they aim to achieve higher levels of productivity, competitiveness, resilience & profitability through upgrading heavier lower value components and increasing conversion to curb low-value fuel oil production.
Oil Refining Petrochemicals

With the needle coke market expected to register a CAGR greater than 10% between 2022–2027, do you see scope for reconfiguring underutilised fuel-grade cokers to needle coke production?

Needle-grade coke is produced from highly aromatic feedstocks with low asphaltenes, sulphur, and ash contents. This coke, with high strength and a low coefficient of thermal expansion, is used for graphite electrodes and lithium batteries (anode material).

Written by Dinesh-Kumar Khosla · Global Market Manager Heavy Ends & HDC ·

Commercial Bulletin - C₄ Isomerization

Commercial Bulletin - SulShine DR Series and ICB

Commercial Bulletin - Symphony® 固定床重整催化剂

Commercial Bulletin - Symphony® CCR 连续重整催化剂