

EU europe
Brussels - CEST
2 days
Vincent Duverne
Business Development Manager Gas Treatment / CCS
Bruno Domergue
New Business Project Leader

Europe CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit

The Europe CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit will focus on how to determine strategies for greater decarbonisation of the energy-intensive sectors and enhance collaboration and innovation between 300+ government officials, regulators, key industry stake holders, leading academia and service companies
Berlin - CEST
3 days
Jean Sentenac
Chairman of the Board
Nicolas Menet
Plastic Recycling Business Development Manager

ESF 2022

The Energy & Sustainability Forum (ESF) 2022 will take place from 21-23 March in Berlin. The transition is a pathway, not a moment in the story. As the transition accelerates, so does the complexity, challenging the industry to invent new technologies, new supply chains, new value chains, and new markets, all with collaboration at the heart.

Técnicas Reunidas and Axens Sign an Agreement to Develop Carbon Capture and Storage Projects

Técnicas Reunidas and Axens have signed a collaboration agreement to jointly promote carbon capture projects and provide integrated solutions from the concept to the handover of the project, based on Axens technologies.

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Lille, France - CEST
3 days


BIOKET conference, contributes to the spreading of emerging KETs, by offering all actors of the circular bioeconomy world the possibility to meet, exchange, and build together a sound understanding of innovations in the processes and technologies of Biomass into high-value products.
Milan, Italy - CEST
3 days

Enlit Europe Conference

Enlit Europe conference, held from 30 November to 2 December for 2021, is the biggest and first end-to-end conference and exhibition for energy professionals. This conference will bring all of these people together to seize current opportunities, spotlight future ones, and inspire the next generation to participate in the journey

MiRO & Axens Celebrate Twenty Years of Close Partnership Around Prime-G+® Technology

Twenty years ago, at the dawn of the new millennium, MiRO (Karlsruhe, Germany) was the first end-user to select the new Axens Prime-G+® technology to produce ultra-low sulfur gasoline. Both companies, fully committed towards cleaner fuels production, entered as pioneers in the stringent world of Euro V standards by producing 10 ppm sulfur gasoline well ahead of mandatory regulations.

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Prime-G+ cracked naphtha selective desulfurization
Madrid, Spain - CEST
4 days
Jean Sentenac
Chairman of the Board
Stephane Fedou
Plastics Circular Economy Director
Antoine Lavernot
Business Line Team Manager, Heavy Ends Hydrotreament & Conversion

ERTC 2021

ERTC is Europe’s largest and most senior meeting place for the world’s downstream leaders, bringing together refineries and technology providers to address the short, medium, and long-term issues affecting the industry. Hot topics for 2021 include the recovery from a volatile 2020 and shaping refining’s role in Europe’s long-term sustainable, decarbonized energy system.

Plastic Energy and Axens announce a Strategic Collaboration in the Field of Advanced Recycling of Plastic Waste

Plastic Energy and Axens have announced the signing of a strategic collaboration agreement in the field of advanced recycling of plastics, to increase recycling and decrease plastic waste.

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Marseille - CEST
2 days
Yaniv Douieb
Technologist, Renewables Group

Colloque Biocarburants

Advanced biofuels, called 2nd and 3rd generation, produced from waste and inedible plant materials (agricultural residues, forestry waste, dedicated crops, etc.), have several advantages for the economic and industrial development of the territories. In particular, the SOUTH region has significant assets to promote the development of a structured sector and meet the expectations of a booming market, benefiting in particular from a historic industry of refining and production of fuels, bioresources, and cutting-edge research laboratories.