

EU europe
Amsterdam, Netherlands - CEST
2 days
Amandine TEILLET
Operation & Industrialization Manager, Plastic Circular Economy Department New Development & Tranformation Business Division

Plastic Recycling Show Europe (PRSE)

Plastic Recycling Show Europe (PRSE) takes place from 18-19 June in Amsterdam - Netherlands, will cover the latest trends and developments in the sector, as well as reflecting on the most recent legislation, challenges and opportunities. The conference brings together the entire cross-section of the value chain, aiming to promote collaboration and to accelerate the transition towards sustainable and truly circular plastics recycling industry.

Brussels, Belgium - CEST
2 days
Julie Maillot
Principal Technology Engineer, Renewables Group, Process Licensing Business Unit

Biofuels International Conference & Expo 2024

Biofuels International Conference & Expo 2024 takes place from 19-20 June in Amsterdam - Netherlands, will convey the society the most recent research results and advances in the field of Biofuels and Bioenergy. This conference will highlighting the information research on its impact on outcomes through oral demonstration and presentation.
Milan, Italy - CEST
2 days
Pierre Olivier BOCKET
Decarbonization & Consulting Project Manager

Olefuels 2024

Olefuels Conference takes place from 12-13 June in Milan- Italy, will offer a valuable opportunity to gain insights into the current market trends, learn about the most recent technological developments, and explore potential collaborations within the industry. It will provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the global oleofuels market, its future prospects, and the regulatory framework shaping the industry.
Rotterdam, Netherlands - CEST
3 days
Cécile Plain
Consulting & Digital - Technology Group Manager
Christophe PIERRE
Reforming Product Line Manager, Gasoline Product Line

ERTC Ask the Experts

ERTC Ask the Experts Conference takes place from 10-13 June in Rotterdam - Netherlands, will provide engineers with answers to their latest refinery issues and help them adapt their processes in order to remain competitive in the long-term energy mix.

Axens et Toray Films Europe lauréats de France 2030 avec leur projet d’usine de recyclage chimique du PET à Saint-Maurice-de-Beynost (Ain)

La future usine de recyclage chimique du PET qui sera construite par Axens et Toray Films Europe à Saint-Maurice-de-Beynost a été retenue parmi les lauréats de France 2030 par le gouvernement.

Cette nouvelle unité industrielle permettra de produire 30 000 tonnes par an de PET recyclé chimiquement. Un projet qui va participer à la fois à la souveraineté française sur le plan des matières premières, mais également à l’essor de l’économie circulaire des plastiques en France et dans le monde.

Find out more
Geneva, Switzerland - CEST
4 days
Yasmine NAFAI
Modeling and Project Engineer
Modeling and Linear Programming Manager

MUGI 2024

MUGI 2024, takes place in Geneva, Switzerland on the 21 to 24 April will be dedicated to have discussions around energy policy and strategy, refinery optimization and planning, crude oil quality and assay management, crude oil evaluation, and refinery scheduling and blending.
Cologne, Germany - CET
2 days
Stephane Fedou
Plastics Circular Economy Director

Go Circular 2024

Go Circular, takes place in Cologne, Germany, on the 16 & 17 April 2024, will be dedicated to have discussions around the main plastics circularity challenges and will be the perfect place to start building plastic circularity collaborations.
Reims, France - CET
3 days
Emilia Knospe
Technologist, Renewables Product Line


BIOKET 2024 takes place in Reims, France, on the 19 to 21 March 2024, will be dedicated to processes, innovation and technologies applied to biomass. This conference will be the fifth edition of BIOKET and brings more innovation, technology and sustainability to boost new businesses around the biomass valorization into high added value products.
Ghent, Belgium - CET
2 days
Renewables to Liquids Product Line Manager
Principal Technology Engineer, Renewables Product Line

Gasification Summit 2024

Gasification Summit, takes place in Ghent, Belgium, on the 20 & 21 March 2024, will be dedicated to advancing the knowledge and collaboration in the field of Gasification looking towards the 2030 and 2050 EU targets. Our conference brings together industry leaders, researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders from across the gasification industry to exchange insights, discuss emerging trends, and explore innovative solutions for a sustainable future.
Madrid, Spain - CET
3 days
Jean-Luc Nocca
Executive Vice President Commercial
Yvon Bernard
Business Development Manager, Renewable Product Line

ESF Europe - Energy & Sustainability Forum 2024

2024 ESF Europe: Energy & Sustainability Forum takes place from 19-21 February 2024 in Madrid, Spain and is officially supported by CEPSA, ESFG is helping to accelerate Europe’s energy transition and the development of a sustainable energy future in which the refining and chemicals industries continue to play a leading role.