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Digital Services & Applications
Advanced Software & Digital Applications
Repsol | Digital Technical Assistance
Connect'in® is an easy process to implement, without investing a lot of time. Thanks to Connect'in®, all the data are available on-line, and Axens has the chance to see things we are not seeing properly in daily operation, and to recommend us to do something in a different way. Connect'in® is very powerfull as it has the whole model to evaluate the remaining cycle length or the impact of variables of the process. […] Axens is very fast in developing solutions.
Repsol | Digital Technical Assistance
Connect'in® is an easy process to implement, without investing a lot of time. Thanks to Connect'in®, all the data are available on-line, and Axens has the chance to see things we are not seeing properly in daily operation, and to recommend us to do something in a different way. Connect'in® is very powerfull as it has the whole model to evaluate the remaining cycle length or the impact of variables of the process. […] Axens is very fast in developing solutions.
Repsol - Laura Cristobal | Axens' Digital Technical Assistance

What areas of expertise are needed to mitigate constraints in plant/facility staffing levels?
Beside many other topics, several key areas of expertise leveraging technology and technical assistance can help mitigate plant/facility staffing levels. Among solutions we provide in this field, Axens aims to provide its customers a continuous and direct access to its process expertise, catalyst know-how, and data analytics capabilities through our digital offer - Connect’In® proposing all the functionalities described.

Video - Energy Efficiency, SAF, Connect'In®, Decarbonization: Transition to Low Carbon Fuels

Commercial Bulletin - Connect'In™

Commercial Bulletin - Energy Efficiency in Prime-G+®
Bangkok, Thailand - UTC+7
2 days

Jeff Caton
Commercial Director – Asia Pacific
Sugar & Ethanol Asia 2024
Sugar & Ethanol Asia 2024 takes place in Bangkok, Thailand from 24 to 26 September. The place you can connect with millers, producers and buyers from across Asia.

Renewable Fuels & Bio-Based Chemicals
Bio Olefins
Bio Ethylene
Bio Butadiene
Cellulosic Ethanol
Digital Services & Applications
Process Technologies
Arsine Removal Adsorbent
Chloride Removal Adsorbent
Drying Series Adsorbent
Mercury Removal Adsorbent
Sulfur Removal for Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals Adsorbent
Asia Pacific
Athens - CET
3 days

Cécile Plain
Consulting & Digital - Technology Group Manager
ERTC: Ask the Experts
ERTC Ask the Experts will provide engineers with answers to their latest refinery issues and help them adapt their processes in order to remain competitive in the long-term energy mix.

Technical Article - Petrochemical Complex Digitalisation for Greater Efficiency and Emissions Reduction