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Unit Revamps & Retrofits
Unit Revamps & Retrofits

Commercial Bulletin - Revamping Case Study

Commercial Bulletin - Revamping Hydrotreating Case Study

Commercial Bulletin - FCC Revamping Technology Upgrade Case Study

Commercial Bulletin - FCC Revamping Stripper Packing Installation Case Study

Commercial Bulletin - FCC Revamping Feed Injectors Replacement Case Study
How has the integration of alternative feedstocks impacted your overall energy efficiency (any pluses and minuses)?
The main incentive for using alternative feedstock is to reduce the overall CO footprint of the refinery, which is a key objective for any operator today.
India - IST
2 days

Guillaume CUILHE
Resid Upgrading Lead Technologist, Conversion & Clean Fuels

Lead Technologist, Clean Fuels

Technologist, Renewables Group
Virtual Refining India 2021
Now in its 8th year, Refining India 2021, an online event held on 20-21 October 2021, provides the perfect opportunity to bring leading-edge developments to the attention of senior executives from all of India’s major refining companies.
Online - CDT
2 days

Sophie Babusiaux
Chemicals Integration Leader - Middle Distillates & Conversion Business Line

Nicolas Menet
Plastic Recycling Business Development Manager
IRPC Operations
IRPC Operations will highlight the latest equipment, services, tools and technologies to optimize refining and petrochemical operations and maintenance efforts for a safer, more efficient, more profitable and sustainable work environment.