Gasel® technology suite, licensed by Axens, was originally co-developed by ENI and IFPEN. It includes a Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis section using state of the art slurry-bubble-column reactor and proprietary Cobaltbased catalyst, and an upgrading section enabling the transformation of FT paraffinic products into high quality middle distillates (jet, diesel) and naphtha.
Axens will also provide the syngas final purification upstream Gasel®. Axens will deliver Process Design Package (PDP), technical assistance during start-up and operation, and will manufacture and supply all the associated catalysts.
Mikko Kara, CEO of ForestBtL said: “We selected Axens' Gasel® technology because of the efficient, compact integrated solution for FT plus Upgrading, and because of the solid development background. Having Axens by our side will be a key asset throughout the life of the plant.”
Jean Sentenac, CEO of Axens said: “We are proud and excited to be selected by Forest BtL for the Ajos BtL project. In addition to be part of a leading BtL project in Europe we see this decision, after a thorough evaluation, as a demonstration of the intrinsic qualities of Gasel® technology suite applicable to any XtL routes. It reflects Axens' long term strategic positioning as a major alternative fuels player.”