
PR - Ecopetrol Selects Axens’ Hydrocracking and Coker Naphtha Hydrotreating Technologies

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In order to enhance its processing capabilities of local heavy crudes while increasing clean fuels throughput, Ecopetrol has embarked into the modernization of its Barrancabermeja refinery (PMRB Project).

The site is located in the Santander department of Colombia. As part of this reconfiguration, Ecopetrol has selected Axens technologies for Hydrocracking and Coker naphtha Hydrotreating units.

The 80,000 BPD Hydrocracker will process a blend of straight-run vacuum gasoil and cracked gasoil in order to produce high quality middle-distillates and to improve the FCC feed quality.

The 14,000 BPD Coker Naphtha Hydrotreater will produce feedstock suitable for petrochemicals.

The refinery is already equipped with Axens Prime-G+™ and Prime-D™ Hydrotreating technologies for low sulfur gasoline and ultra-low sulfur diesel production.