The Vegan™ technology of Axens has been selected by Total for its first Biorefinery to be located at La Mède (France). The plant will produce 500,000 Ton-per-year of high quality paraffinic biodiesel, treating primarily used oils, as well as other renewable feedstocks.
This technology was originally developed by IFP Energies nouvelles in the mid-2000, based upon an extensive research and development program.
Vegan™ technology fundamentally consists in hydroprocessing any kind/mixture of renewable lipids into ultra-clean iso-paraffins. The resulting high quality mixture of bio-paraffins exhibits a high cetane number, tunable cold-flow properties, contains virtually no sulfur neither aromatic compounds and is easily blended into regular diesel or jet fuel.
Vegan™ is based upon Axens’ large experience in conventional hydroprocessing technologies and catalysts with more than 200 units licensed in the world totalizing around 10 million bbl/day capacity as well as a strong knowledge of lipidic feedstock processing. Axens has pioneered the first-generation biodiesel market in the 90’s, through Esterfip™ technologies, based on transesterification process and totalizing 14 references.
Axens is providing Vegan™ technology license, basic engineering, catalysts, proprietary equipment and related services: training, unit start-up and follow-up.
Axens, www.axens.net, an IFP Group affiliate, is an international provider of advanced technologies, catalysts, adsorbents and services, with a global reputation for basic engineering design excellence. The main scope of Axens' business is focused on the conversion of oil, coal, natural gas and biomass to clean fuels as well as production and purification of major petrochemical intermediates. Axens’ global offer is based on: highly trained human resources, modern production facilities and extensive commercial feedback from plants using our processes and catalysts all around the world