
PR - Axens to acquire Criterion’s Catalytic Reforming Catalyst Business

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Axens North America Inc. announces the signature with Criterion Catalysts & Technology L.P (“Criterion”) and Shell of an Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement (APSA) and related agreements pertaining to Criterion’s catalytic reforming catalyst business, under which Axens is to acquire Criterion’s Willow Island, West Virginia manufacturing plant for reforming catalyst and appropriate intellectual property rights to pursue such business.

The terms of the APSA are confidential.

“The acquisition of Criterion’s catalytic reforming business will further strengthen our offer in the area of catalytic reforming for gasoline and aromatics production and help us better serve our customers. The Willow Island plant will provide us with additional growth potential worldwide. Axens is very pleased to welcome on board the Willow Island team that has successfully developed this business” said Jean Sentenac, Chairman and CEO of Axens Group.