

ERTC Ask the Experts

Event passed -
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Time zone CEST
picto Oil Refining Process Technologies Chloride Removal Adsorbent + 4
Drying Series Adsorbent Mercury Removal Adsorbent Sulfur Removal for Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals Adsorbent Europe
picto Oil Refining Process Technologies + 5
Chloride Removal Adsorbent Drying Series Adsorbent Mercury Removal Adsorbent Sulfur Removal for Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals Adsorbent Europe
Meet us at Axens Booth n°19
45 minutes
Ask the Experts Panel: Carbon Reduction Strategies
Cécile Plain
Consulting & Digital - Technology Group Manager
15 minutes
Expert in Action: Reforming & Isomerization
Christophe PIERRE
Reforming Product Line Manager, Gasoline Product Line