Proven Technology for Carbon Capture and Storage
In this global vision, Blue Hydrogen is a robust and mature technology that rely on the great industrial experience of Grey Hydrogen (SMR, ATR) supplemented by efficient and proven capture and sequestration technologies. Combining Carbon Capture with Axens AdVamine on the Syngas (high pressure) and DMX on the flue gas (low pressure), above 90% of CO₂ emission can be avoided, therefore producing a Blue Hydrogen at 1 kg CO₂ / kg H₂.
To meet the net-zero-carbon economy by 2050, Hydrogen is known to be a key-driver. Beyond Green Hydrogen generated by renewable energy (solar, wind and hydraulics resources) via electrolysis, Grey Hydrogen exiting steam reformers fed by fossil-gas will need to be decarbonized through Carbon Capture and Sequestration technologies (CCS).
Our offer gives focus on removing CO₂ on both Syngas and flue gas with DMX™ and Advamine™ technologies.
Low-Carbon Hydrogen

Among the energy-related GHG emissions, the power sector is the largest carbon emitter, accounting for 40% of the emissions split between coal, gas, and oil. Within the industrial sector, cement, iron, and steel plants represent approximately 53% of the emissions and are among the hardest to decarbonize. The Hydrogen production sector is also a significant emitter, especially if it relies on steam methane reforming (SMR) without Carbon Capture and Storage.
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