
SeLene™ - Selective Hydrogenation Catalysts Family

Selective Hydrogenation Catalysts

High-performance selective hydrogenation catalysts dedicated to the petrochemical and refining industries, to purify highly valuable olefinic and aromatic streams produced by steam crackers and FCC units.

High activity, easy regeneration and highly competitive cost to fill are among the key advantages of these catalysts, which are selected depending on the feedstock characteristics, the unit design/limitations and the requested performances.
Selective Hydrogenation Catalysts


SeLene™, Axens’ Selective Hydrogenation Catalysts Family, features the highest activity and lowest density on the selective hydrogenation catalyst market, allowing the highest level of performance while minimizing the cost to fill and maximizing energy cost savings.

More than 50 years in research and development and unit design have led to unmatched results with more than 750 worldwide license references and 850 worldwide catalysts references, for a cumulative onstream operating experience exceeding 30 MM hours.

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What could be causing rapid catalyst deactivation in the hydrogenation of heavier fractions downstream of our steam cracker furnace?

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Technical article

Technical Article - Catalytic Answer To A Steam Cracking Challenge

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100th Award of Axens Solutions’ Latest Generation of High Performance Selective Hydrogenation Catalysts

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100th Award of Axens Solutions’ Latest Generation of High Performance Selective Hydrogenation Catalysts

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Technical article

Technical Article - Catalytic Answer To A Steam Cracking Challenge

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What could be causing rapid catalyst deactivation in the hydrogenation of heavier fractions downstream of our steam cracker furnace?

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