Olefins oligomerization to Gasoline and/or Middle Distillates
In a context of unbalanced gasoline/diesel slates worldwide, refiners aim to maximize middle distillates production by converting light olefins from LPG and gasoline into distillates. Long operating cycles are achieved due to specific high selectivity of the promoted alumina forming very low gums deposits on the active surface.
IP 811
IP 811 is used in light olefinic cuts oligomerization applications in general and in particular in the production of added value heavier olefinic cuts.
TA 801
TA 801 is an acidic catalyst specifically developed for thiophene alkylation in the OATS™ (Olefin Alkylation of Thiophenic Sulfur) process.
TA 801 provides improved performances in terms of sulfur conversion rates, selectivity, stability as well as tolerance to impurities as compared to first generation catalytic system.
C₄ or C₅ Olefins etherification (MTBE, ETBE, TAME, TAEE)
Etherification process selectively transforms isobutylene and isoamylenes into ethers by addition of alcohol (methanol or ethanol) in order to produce valuable additives providing octane boost to gasoline pool.
TA 802
TA 802 is an ion exchange resin-based catalyst providing high performances in terms of conversion rates, selectivity and stability.
C₃ or C₄ Olefins Dimerization
High-octane value motor gasoline is obtained from olefinic C3 cuts from FCC or steam-cracking. Oligomerization of C3 or C4 olefins produces with a high selectivity hexenes, heptenes and higher olefins up to dodecenes.
LC 1252 - 1255
LC 1252 and LC 1255 catalysts are used in the Dimersol™ process licensed by Axens.
Ethylene dimerization to 1-Butene
Ethylene is selectively oligomerized in very pure 1-butene, which can be used as comonomer for LLPDE production.
LC 2253 - 2254
LC 2253 and LC 2254 catalysts are used in the AlphaButol® process licensed by Axens.
Ethylene trimerization to 1-Hexene
LC 4101 - 4201
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